Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Working from an Ideal Plan Sheet

You are probably not going to believe that this works, but experience tells me it does! I have been working from an ideal plan sheet since 2001. I first learned about the concept when I started as a Mary Kay consultant and I haven't stopped using one since.

It's an ideal plan sheet and I use it every few weeks to plan what's important to me and my purpose. I use it to shape my IDEAL week! Truly, I want to decide when I work, when I spend time with family and friends, when I spend time doing homework (you know, the stuff that makes my home run right). For many years my schedule was mandated by others. After years of planning my work and working my plan, I've designed a schedule that I love.

Here are a few tips in using this worksheet:

  • Color code your weekly blocks of time. You may want to color code FITNESS, SPIRITUAL, WORK, SOCIAL, FAMILY, DATE NIGHT, ERRANDS, HOME WORK, etc.
  • Do not fill out the work part first. I know it probably takes up the most time in your week. I know that it may even be your purpose in life, BUT, do not fill out work first. I tend to fill out the spiritual or family time first.
  • Leave margins. You'll notice that there is white space in my calendar. This is time for all those things that always pop up or all the fun stuff you want to do. Margins are key. Use them especially when you're traveling all over town and when you're meeting or talking with people.
More on planning and lists tomorrow!