Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Reboot Your Life - Another Step

I decided [between this post and last] that there is another first step in the rebooting process.  On your computer the first thing required to RESTART your operating systems is to actually turn it off. You can press the control+alt+delete keys or the power button to shut down the software you're running.

In your makeover manual this might look like: CLEANSE. In a cosmetic makeover, the first step is usually to take everything off your face: foundation, mascara, blush, lipstick, sweat, tears, daily gradoo and schmutz, etc.  That cleanse reveals it all - blemishes, skin tone, freckles, acne, etc. But, it's fresh. It's true. It's you. Recently on Oprah, Carson Kressley attempted a make-under. One woman from Canada had hidden her true self behind a Pamela Anderson look-alike facade for years. Getting ready each day took up to FIVE hours! One major step to reboot her look was to cleanse it all: and keep it that way for one week. Kressley's rule: "Until I see you in Chicago, no makeup—foundation, coverup, eyeshadow, lipstick—no tanning bed, no bronzer," he said.

Can you CLEANSE the facets of your life? What does that look like? Certainly, you can't rinse your life of your job if you need to reboot your professional life. You can't sanitize your life of all your friends and family if you need to reboot your operating systems for relationships. But there must be a way to cleanse your physical, spiritual and professional life. 

I'll have to revisit this concept for each facet in the future. For now, I'll uncover what I did to cleanse my spiritual life in recent days. I did one simple thing: I got quiet. It took a few days, but I found about an hour last week. The house was empty, the dog was on the porch, hubby was on the golf course, the Olympics weren't on the air and there were no errands to run. I sat on the floor of my bedroom for a bit. I usually pray with pen and paper and that day was no exception. I asked for forgiveness and guidance and blessings for all the people in our lives. Of course, that led to the next step (which I wrote about yesterday)!

After her week-long cleanse, Dawn went on the Oprah Show for a make-under. She rebooted her look and this is the result:

1 comment:

Fergitude said...

Loved this post! For a second there your writing voice sounded like Carrie from Sex in the City. "Can you CLEANSE the facets of your life".