Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Make It a Habit - Wrap-Up

It is Day 31 of my Make It a Habit experiment. I wrote for nineteen days straight and posted 27 entries altogether. I didn’t write for every one of them and I didn’t do it all in one place. In fact, I spread the wealth and created entries at my personal site, my blog for my small group, and the YITRI blog and my memoir site. Here are some things I learned:

  • I think a lot about writing. Sometimes I think more than I write. This experiment helped me actually write about what I think. 
  • I love a schedule. I am a better writer when I schedule the time, subject and focus of my entry. I learned that I need to be intentional about when I write and what I say. I've created a weekly schedule that I hope will lead me through the next 31 days of this experiment!
  • I love to shake it up. I need to write on more than just makeovers. I need to branch out and write about personal adventures and memories of my mom! Plus, my creativity needs multiple outlets. I am not just a writer. I am into music and photography and cooking - and I need to write or post about these things, too!
Keep an eye out for more focused and intentional ideas on this site! There may be a shift in direction and there may not be an entry everyday, but we are on our way to our Ultimate Makeover!


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